This game was made in 72 hours for the Winter Jam 2022. The theme was "the end is near". Hopefully the thing I threw together is fun for people to play.


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(1 edit) (+1)

Very well designed name, and the story telling is awesome but it's very sad story which I like it. However I can see some balancing issue but you already mentioned that in other's comments so it's nice. This game already looking so great nice work.

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it!


I like the game, but the Belial-Enemy was easy to defeat? was this intended?

It was intended to be easier the first time you fight them, but harder the second time.  I didn't test the balance out as much for the second fight though.


Is he? Maybe there was an update that made him stronger?

Or maybe you were plain lucky...?


Maybe I was just Lucky


I like the battle system and the trees look amazing in the beginning. Nice animations for the cut scenes too. Good stuff.

You can thank PandaMaru for the trees! They're the one who designed them, and they have tons of other great tilesets if you want to check them out.